
Do you support fortnightly rubbish collection in Auckland?

First they got rid of bins in parks, now they're coming for yours and want you to pay for it...

Things are about to get a lot dirtier in Auckland.

Auckland Council is looking to move from weekly to fortnightly general rubbish collections, starting from 2026.

This is after they announced they would be HIKING your rates!

The plan is contained in a draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan which contains targets to reduce the amount of household rubbish put out in bins. This claim should be taken with a grain of salt.

The council have conveniently neglected to mention that this will not only lead to an increase in illegal dumping, but also penalise larger households. Imagine your bin overflowing with nappies or rotten food?

If Auckland ever expects to be clean and green, this must start in our neighbourhoods.

Live Campaign

Do you support fortnightly rubbish collection in Auckland?