Greg Moyle
I’ve lived and worked in the Waitematā Local Board area for most of my life. Waitematā is part of my fabric.
I served on the Western Bays Community Board, Auckland Council, and the Waitematā Local Board. I’m currently on the Heart of the City Board, fighting for a thriving city centre. Council’s proposals are short sighted and fail to address the needs of all who work, study, visit and recreate in the CBD.
Local decisions should be made by those with vested interests: local businesses, communities and residents; not central government. We must champion our local organisations, including residents’ associations, sports clubs, art/cultural centres.
Alongside your C&R team, I’ll oppose the removal of parking on major arterial routes e.g., Jervois Rd, Ponsonby Rd and Parnell Rd, and the intensification of character neighbourhoods. We need to protect them for generations to come.