Sarah Trotman
Elected to the board in 2019 and rated the most effective Waitematā Local Board member by Keith McConnell, independent campaigner for quality governance, I’ve been a strong advocate, ensuring core services and infrastructure are delivered with intergenerational sustainability and value to ratepayers.
I lived locally for 20+ years (Auckland Central, Western Springs, Ponsonby, Herne Bay); my children attended Marist Herne Bay and Ponsonby Intermediate.
I’m an effective business leader, Director and celebrant, grounded in community. I previously worked to develop solutions to end homelessness in the CBD.
Recognised with a Queen’s honour for services to business and community, I’ve demonstrated my ability for robust discussion, keeping organisations accountable, and ensuring projects are delivered on-time, within budget.
Alongside your C&R team, I’ll continue calling out misinformation and disregard of resident opinions. I believe in authentic consultation, limited bureaucracy, and keeping local government local.